Trying to find the perfect Christmas gift but drawing a blank? It’s time to think differently this year. It’s time to give something that doesn’t collect dust – something that lasts a lifetime!

Start by thinking about what you hope and pray for – for yourself and for your loved ones. When people get older they always wish they had better health, and one of the main things that people pray for is good (or great) health. Why not give your loved ones that gift – IMPROVED HEALTH.

Wondering how? Read on…

Step 1 – make sure the person knows that they are worth more than the things of the world. Many people don’t get the help that they need because deep down they think other things or other people should take priority over them. You must help them to understand that without their health, they cannot care for others and do all the things that they were placed on this earth to do. How do you do this? Talk to them, and SHOW them that you are willing to invest the time, effort and finances in them and their health.

Step 2 – Give them an opportunity to take a positive step to focus on their health and get healthy. How do you do this? Join them in something that promotes health or buy them something that promotes and improves their health.

Here is a simple yet powerful gift that will accomplish these goals: Give them a gift certificate from Health From Within Family Chiropractic.  They can be purchased in any denomination, or for a specific service!

These Gift Certificates can be used towards:

- Chiropractic Care
- Registered Massage Therapy
- Holistic Nutrition
- Orthotics
- Running/Walking group clinics (Next one starts Jan 2016)
- Health Workshops

To purchase a Gift certificate, call 905-333-3838, email, or drop by the office at 2012 Victoria Ave. Burlington, Ontario, L7R1R4

Check out some other ideas found in downtown Burlington in this Klusster emagazine

Have a very healthy, and joyful Christmas season!

Dr. Lynne

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